Yanda's Meditation Resources


A regular meditation practice has changed my life in profound ways. I started meditating actively in 2017. Here are some of my favorite meditation resources.

Types of Meditation

  1. My regular practice has been a relaxed approach focused on discovering and cultivating non-dual awareness and understanding the nature of consciousness. I originally discovered this method via Sam Harris' WakingUp program, but have also practiced it with Mingyur Rinpoche and Stephen Bodian. Beyond relaxation, this is an insight practice designed to help you discover the nature of mind and reality.
  2. I've also incorporated some sitting practice in the 9 Bodies style of mediation. This has been an effortless way to access some deep concentration and spaciousness.
  3. Most recently, I have been getting into the jhānas, thanks to the guidance from the awesome folks at Jhourney. These meditative states have allowed me to conjure up feelings of joy, happiness, contentment, and deep relaxation on-demand, not conditioned by "causes." This has been a life-changing discovery

Non-Dual Meditation

9 Bodies
